Competition Rules for the 2022/23 Season
Competitions are open to all members of the club
A mark out of ten is awarded by the judge in any Projected Digital Image (PDI) or Print competition held by the club.
All images, be they prints or PDIs, must have been completely taken by the member entering the competition. It is not acceptable to copy and paste in elements of pictures taken by someone else.
PDIs or prints may be processed and digitally enhanced by the member who took the original photograph.
Members may submit a print or PDI in more than one competition as long as the picture has never previously received a mark of 9 (or 18 under the previous scoring system) or more in a club competition held during the last 2 seasons.
Past competition entries may be selected by the committee for entry in inter-club or SCPF league competitions
Each League competition allows a maximum of two print entries per member.
Prints must be mounted on board. The maximum size of mount is 50cm x 40cm (This is an ideal mount size for A3 prints. For A4 size prints, a mount size of 40cm x 30cm is recommended). Each entry should have the following information clearly marked on the back:
A title
The member’s name and membership number
Each League competition allows a maximum of two PDI entries per member
The maximum image size for PDI entries is 1920 pixels width X 1080 pixels height.
Image files must be attached to an email and sent to Dick Read at
Before sending PDIs, please ensure that you set the file name correctly, with the title in capital letters followed by “by” and your name in the usual mix of upper and lower case. eg CHILLY CLOISTER by Nicholas Parsons
There may be several open and set-subject competitions each season for PDIs and prints. Members may submit a maximum of five items per competition.
If the total number of entries in any competition is too high, then those members entering five items will be asked to reduce to four entries. The total number of entries for any one competition will be at the discretion of the Competition Secretary.
Entries for competitions must be submitted on the due date at the club night shown in the programme or at a time agreed with the Competition Secretary.
The John Sayers Landscape Cup:
Awarded to the best Landscape PDI in this competition.
In addition to traditional views of the countryside and unspoilt vistas, it will also be acceptable to submit images of cityscapes, views of urban areas and coastal scenes including sections of water. However, all images must include some land!
The Abel / Peter Clark Trophies:
This is a competition for a panel of three prints, or a three-part PDI, each having a distinct link, theme or story. You may submit up to five entries, either five sets of prints or five PDIs, or a combination of the two formats. The judge will mark each picture individually out of five, plus a mark out of five for the link value, giving a possible total of twenty.
Print mounts must be marked: LEFT CENTRE RIGHT to indicate their position when displayed.
Each set of three prints or three-part PDI must be given one overall title
Entries may be entered into other competitions.
The Abel Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the print section and the Peter Clark Trophy to the winner of the PDI section.
The Colin Woods Rose Bowl:
The most promising newcomer of the season wins this trophy.
The Selsey Camera Club Shield:
This trophy will be awarded to the winner of the annual Photo Board competition, as judged by members at the AGM.
After the formal AGM meeting, we will hold our annual photo board competition, entry of which is open to all members as usual. For this we invite you to put together a series of prints, mounted on an A1 size board, which are linked by a theme or tell a story - there being no limit to the size or the number of the prints showing. Also, optional text or symbols may be shown, giving the board's title or providing information to the viewer. The competition will be judged by members present at the AGM in July.
Gateway Cup
This trophy is awarded to the winner of the annual PDI set subject competition
For the 2017/18 season, the subject is " Bent, Broken or Busted "
The Paul Ubsdell Wildlife Trophy:
This trophy will be awarded to the best wildlife PDI
The following criteria will apply:
Eligible Subjects
Animal portraits or behaviour in the wild or in their natural habitat. This may include birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, spiders, fish and underwater creatures.
Close-ups or wider views of wild flower plants and trees in natural settings.
Eligible Settings
Wildlife subjects in their natural habitats. However, we will accept nature reserves, wetlands and zoos.
Parks, gardens and urban settings are also eligible so long as the subject is not a domesticated animal or an introduced plant species.
The following are not eligible:
Farm animals
Pets and other domestic animals
The Turner Trophy and Robert & Nicky Mole Shield:
Every print and PDI gaining a Certificate of Merit is entered into the 'Print of the Year' and ‘PDI of the Year’ competitions respectively. This event is usually the penultimate meeting of the season, and the outcome of each competition is determined by a vote of club members attending on the evening.
Inter-Club Competitions:
We participate in the following: The MSW Shield (between Middleton, Selsey and the Witterings Camera Clubs); An annual print & PDI "battle" with Hayling Island Camera Club; A Mix & Match evening with the Witterings Camera Club; we also enter the print and PDI leagues organised by the Southern Counties Photographic Federation.
Entries for all of these are selected by committee members, usually drawn from other club competition entries.
July 2022