Selsey Camera Club
2025 Season
Will apeare here
All members are invited and encouraged to take part in all competitions and activities, regardless of their photographic capability or equipment.
If possible, competition prints and projected digital images (PDIs) should be submitted by, or soon after, the date indicated in the programme, which is usually the club meeting held fourteen days before the competition date. Late entries may not always be accepted.
The maximum image size for DPI entries is 1600 pixels width x 1200 pixels height.
For more information about the competitions, numbers of prints and PDIs allowed, size of prints, how to mark your entries, etc. please ask for a copy of the club competition rules.
Trophies are awarded at the Annual General Meeting.
Entry for all meetings is free to members and £2 for non-members.
Meetings are held at 7.30pm on Mondays at St Peter's Church Hall unless otherwise stated.