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Christmas Lights Field Trips

The club’s second field trip took place on December 3rd to photograph the Christmas lights of Chichester. The weather wasn’t ideal however the recent rain provided the evening with extra opportunities to capture reflections of the lights on the wet pavement, cobbles and in the puddles. Members used both traditional cameras and camera phones with good success and everyone decided to “hand hold” rather than be hampered by tripods as they sought out interesting angles and viewpoints as they walked around.  

A good variety of subjects could be found on the streets, side alleyways and shop windows around the town centre. Members found the evening very informative as they practiced what they already learned, but also explored new things and features such as exposure compensation which to helped control the highlights of the lights. It was great to see the effects of trying different white balance settings to bring out the different colours and warmth in the variety of lights on display. 

Practical events like this are a great opportunity to push both the limits of your camera and skill. It's also a great way to work together with other photographers, whether that's getting help with your camera settings, or getting inspiration to try something new.


The next field trip is planned for February 2024 but as yet a firm date and topic is yet to be decided upon. It will once again provide another occasion to practice and perhaps learn or try something new with your camera or camera phone.

Photos from the trip


Selsey Camera Club

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